Brand Illustration Made with Hanan Bergic, Cody Shaw and Quinn CarrollDuring Winter 2021, I was placed on the PSUGD AIGA team in A+D (PSUGD’s in-house design studio). At the start, the team and I had a challenge of figuring out what we wanted to come out of PSUGD AIGA. PSUGD AIGA was not just for the four of us, but it was for the whole PSUGD and the larger design community. Through our own experiences and what we found out from our fellow students, they did not know what our student chapter even was. We identified our first problem, we needed our own brand, specific to PSUGD and our personalities. Thus egga was born, from a inside joke of no one knowing how to say AIGA. My main job was to create illustrations and help develop other social media assets. Logo was created by Hanan Bergic.
Who: PSUGD AIGA “Egga”
What: Illustrations of the PSUGD AIGA Student group branding